Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Oh hey.

So i realize I haven't blogged. At all.  So here I am.  I don't really have a lot to talk about in regard to any recent service work at Bridgepointe Health Campus where my hours will take place.  However, I have been volunteering there for roughly three years so I do have past experiences I can share.  This place is in my home town.  It's basically an nursing/assistive living home.  I love it.  The people are the most interesting and funny people I've ever met.  The most fascinating stories (true or not) that I've ever heard were told to me in those halls.  Basically what I do there is talk to the elderly people.  I help entertain them (which sometimes consists of other volunteers and I simply playing the Wii, which is awesome) and do my best to make them happy.  I really believe it's a great way to give service.  However, sometimes I suppose it has some cons.  One of them being that no matter how hard you try to make this persons life sunshine and rainbows, they're not having it.  They will refuse to be happy.  Which in turn makes me unhappy.  Then everyone is unhappy.  That's always been something I wish I could fix.  Then there's the one old lady who tells me that I'm "a whore and she knows it" every. single. day.  I mean, this lady's mission in LIFE is to make sure that I know damn well that I'm a whore.  It's absolutely hilarious until she gets her friends in on it.  Then there's just a hoard of elderly women in their chairs wheeling down the hall after me and making it known to the building of my whorish lifestyle.  But other than those small things, it's an amazing place to be.  I'll be submitting all of my hours in large quantities at a time when I go home on certain weekends.  So my friends at Bridgepointe and I will certainly be spending some quality time together in the near future.  I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I’m not going to lie, your post made me laugh out loud. I know old people can be odd and get funny ideas into their heads, but that one is a first. I’ve never hear anyone been called a whore in a nursing home before. I find it endlessly entertaining. I have had one funny experience with old people though, in particular. I was talking to some residents of local nursing home after we’d put on a little church service deally for them when one lady who had sever memory loss issues and was about 90 was talking with me. I’m pretty sure that over the course of six or seven minutes, she told me her name five or so times, but when I was just about ready to leave, she told me “Be good, and if you can’t be good, be careful. And if you can’t be careful, name her after me.” I didn’t think much about what the old lady had said since it didn’t make much sense to me. I was about hallway home before I realized the 90 year old had been talking about sex… then I laughed out loud.
