Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blog Schmog.

    Once again I haven't completed any service work yet for this class.  But I do have some bloggy thoughts to jot down here about other service opportunities I'm going to have throughout the semester besides Bridgepointe.  I'm part of  the Alpha Chi Omega sorority here at Purdue and we do a plethora of service work.  Eight hours of it is actually required as part of our membership.  We have a crazy amount of opportunities to do service work.  Our main goal at Alpha Chi Omega in regard to philanthropy is helping victims of domestic violence.  The event coming up pretty soon that I'll be participating in is called the Frisbee Fling.  It's basically an Ultimate Frisbee competition between the fraternities and all of the money is donated to the YWCA.  This and many other opportunities having to do with other greek houses will be presented to me throughout the semester and I'm really excited to get involved.  I'm going home this weekend for fall break so I'll most definitely be getting some hours out of that.  Then I will certainly have a lot more to report here and I won't look so incredibly lazy.
    What I'm really looking forward to about the service work I'll be doing over fall break is seeing some of the residents that I'm pretty familiar with.  One residents specifically comes to mind at the moment.  He is incredibly absent-minded but absolutely hilarious.  Ever day he wheels his way up to the main desk and asks me if he has any phone calls.  When I tell him no, he proceeds to ask me if he has any letters.  When I answer no yet again he asks, "How about telegrams? I haven't gotten one of those in a while!"  Needless to say, he is precious.  I really don't think I could ever forget him even though it's been so long since I've been to Bridgepointe.  I really do appreciate how each of the residents has their own unique personality and although I didn't have the BEST time volunteering in high school, I feel as though I'll have a pretty good time with it this time around.

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