Thursday, October 13, 2011


Over my super exciting fall break I finally got to get some service work done.  So I now have completed my first six hours of service work!  And now I'll feel as though my blog is actually following the criteria.  Going to Bridgepointe wasn't very different from how it was last year.  Everyone was very welcoming and was glad to have me back.  The first thing I did was my very favorite thing: bowling on the Wii.  The residents absolutely love it and I will say they've gotten better since I have last been there.  They actually beat me a few times!  And I'm fairly sure that they will never let me forget it... Anyhow after playing on the Wii for a little over an hour I walked around with one of the nurses on duty and helped her pass out trays for lunch.  This is always an interesting process.  It is interesting because you always get one of the residents who will absolutely refuse to eat whatever is served because they "hate it" or they are 100% sure that whatever is being served is poisoned.  These bouts usually pass after a while and it is extremely hard not to laugh at.  The rest of my work was pretty boring.  I had to correctly stick labels on packaged equipment that is used in the facility.  This took HOURS and most of the time that I spent completing my work.  I would take periodic breaks to go out into the hallway and have conversations with some of the residents.  It was really nice to know that most of the residents recognized me and some of them even said they had missed me being around!  That certainly made me happy and I'm excited to go back.  More of my work probably won't be done until Thanksgiving but I look forward to going back!


  1. How exciting it is that you were finally able to start your service hours. I was in your same situation for a while where I wasn’t able to complete any of my service. I know how frustrating it can be. I was beginning to panic a little and that is never good. It sounds like you had a lot of fun doing what you were doing.
    Last semester I did the same sort of work. I had volunteered with the Cumberland Pointe nursing home here in town and some of the stuff you get to do doesn’t seem like it should be work at all. While none of it was as exciting as Wii bowling, I was able to do things like play bingo, write a play, do crossword puzzles, and watch the musical Cats (one of my favorites, don’t judge ☺) I’m glad you are on your way to getting stuff done and have something to write about now.

  2. It’s really nice that you can complete your service somewhere that you have already worked at for a long time. It sounds like you’ve developed some good relationships over the years considering a lot of residents recognized you and missed you. I think I would faint if my grandparents ever played Wii, so I’m sure it would be an interesting thing to watch. I had a lady at the Veteran’s Home tell me that their food was poisoned also, and it is pretty hilarious. I haven’t had to do any work that I really hated yet, but I haven’t completed that much time. There will probably be something I will be asked to do that I won’t enjoy completely, but I guess that is the point of this service. I’m sure you’ve had to do this more than once, and it says a lot that you still want to work there even though not every job you get is fun.

  3. I think it is very cool that you get to continue working at a place that you are familiar with and enjoy spending time at. It seems that the residents really enjoy everything that you do there. Great that you get to do things like play Wii with them I am sure they love playing with you. Also, it is very funny that they beat you but, great that they have those skills. Both of my grandmothers live on their own but would have no idea what to do a Wii game. Working with elderly has the potential to be very entertaining. It seems that you have most definitely experienced this, especially with the lady is under the impression that you are a whore. I am glad that you got to get started on your hours and it was the good experience that you expected. Good luck with your future service!

  4. Hi Hillary!
    I am glad you got to go home over fall break! How productive and generous to give up your break for volunteering! I am happy that you are making a difference! I am sure that all the residents who have been there are glad to see you and the new residents will love getting to know you! How long have you been volunteering there? The elderly are sometimes so stubborn! I am sure with a little coercing and a little bit more hunger, the residents obliged and ate their lunch! I am sure they also have been practicing the wii while you were away! I am awful at bowling so I am sure that they could beat me!  What other activities do the residents participate in? Do you have set responsibilities at the home? I am sure that the employees appreciated you labeling the equipment! That takes away a lot of time the nurses and staff could be spending with the veterans! Good Luck on your future experiences!
