Saturday, October 22, 2011

Meanwhile in Vincennes...

I could not be more happy to blog right now after the week I have just experienced.  Crazy exams in my three toughest classes and I could not be more glad that they are all over.  I am still working on exactly what I want to do with this editorial.  I've never actually written one before so it will be interesting for me in my attempts.  Anyhow, I received an email this week from my Bridgepointe, my place of service work.  It was really great to hear from them.  They were basically just thanking me for coming back this semester and for all of the time and service I've provided for them.  This was a really encouraging email and it made me think about our research paper and how it was about the main problem at Bridgepointe being a lack of consistency in volunteers.  Simple things like that email made me feel good about volunteering and would persuade me to keep coming back and helping even if it weren't required for a class.  This is really good because the facility is doing something for itself to help the problem that they have been experiencing with volunteers.  I then decided to send them our research paper because I'm sure that some of the employees were curious to see what had been written about the place that they work.  I hope they enjoy what we wrote and that it's helpful for them because we worked really hard on it!  I feel like the solutions we presented could be really beneficial to Bridgepointe.  If they took into account some of the tips we included in the paper about improving things for volunteers they could be keeping their volunteers for a really long time!  But other than that news I don't really have anything to report as far as recent volunteering, I won't be doing any more hours until Thanksgiving break.


  1. Sounds like there were a lot of people with crazy weeks. Hope everything ended well with all of your exams. Three in one week can be very difficult to balance. I am right with you on the editorial. On top of not being a very good writer to begin with, I have never written anything like an editorial. I really need to get working on it but I feel like I have no idea what I am doing! It is wonderful that you are being thanked for the efforts that you have been putting in for your service. Doing that could be a very big step in getting people to come back and volunteer. While service should be done without asking for anything in return, everyone likes to feel appreciated and feel like the help they gave was noticed. Hopefully your research paper does give the staff some ideas about getting more help. Have a great week!

  2. About the editorial, same here! I never written an editorial either so I'm kind of puzzled to how it will all turn out eventually. It will either sound too formal or too informal, personally.
    I can definitely understand what you mean when you say that even though the staff show a little of their appreciation through an email, it's quite encouraging to you. Whatever the faculty do, whether it's an earnest "Thank you for your hard work!", a letter of appreciation, or a warm rub on the shoulder can boost my self-esteem and motivate me to volunteer more.
    Also, I can't agree with you more about our research paper! I think we did come up with some provocative solutions that can really help out Bridgepointe. Even though our solutions weren't perfect, they can still provide some insight for an ideal solution that involves flexibility of schedules and transportation, informative advertising and methods of increasing volunteer motivation. Hopefully the facility will think over what we painstakingly researched on and start making some improvements/changes.
