Friday, October 28, 2011

Frisbee Fling

So this week I really do not have anything to report in regard to my service learning at Bridgepointe.  Like I've said previously I most likely won't be going back to do any work there until Thanksgiving break so there isn't really much to say along the lines of that.

The editorial assignment turned out to be much easier than I thought it was going to be.  I was a little worried about it but once I sat down to actually write it the paper pretty much went together fairly easily.  That is as long as I did it correctly!  I'm more worried about the upcoming assignment: the digital poster.  I know we don't have to be extremely creative to get a good grade but I still feel as though I'm my poster is going to be TERRIBLE because I have no clue how to use the website we were given as a tool.  I'll do my best though and I'm sure it will all come together in the end.

On another note, I have some other actual service work news that I can share.  Since my sorority provides so much philanthropy opportunities I will be receiving some hours through that.  This week I've attended Delta Upsilon and Theta Chi's haunted houses which both benefit their philanthropies.  As for my own Greek organization, this week I've spent an hour total selling purple ribbons in Stewart Center in support for victims of domestic violence.  In addition to that, this Sunday is my sorority, Alpha Chi Omega's, philanthropy event, Frisbee Fling.  It's basically just a competition between fraternities that the girls in the sorority "coach."  All of the donations go to the YWCA to domestic violence victims so it's for a really great cause and it should be a lot of fun!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah that digital poster things got me worried too. Hopefully he won't mind if I just use clip art and word art from Microsoft! because that's about the only thing I know how to do! He said we didn't have to use the website at all if we didn't want to so I'm going to hold him to that. I read about the haunted house thing. Those guys raised a pretty good amount of money. I think they should make it an annual thing because it was so successful. I mean, I don't like haunted houses but there are enough people on campus who do, so they would make a fairly large amount of money each year.
